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Who can create a program?
Any agency, community organizations, healthcare providers, independent business owners, who have access to a network of pharmacy, physician, lab and other healthcare providers
What kind of programs can be created?
Any kind of healthcare services namely – low cost generic Rx drug for a particular indication, concierge service to diabetic patients, personal injury, yoga for wellness, mental health and many other such programs.
Can I run this software on any device?
Yes, all you need is internet access, you use the web portal to login and manage the programs. Mobile apps for physicians are available for both iPhone and Android devices.
Can I run this software on any device?
Yes, all you need is internet access, you use the web portal to login and manage the programs. Mobile apps for physicians are available for both iPhone and Android devices.
How much does the solution cost?
Program Management costs $5 per member and $100 monthly subscription to have access to Klinikals platform. Pharmacy, lab and other healthcare providers part of the network pay 2.5% of total transaction per month.
How do I create a program?
Very simple process, please request for demo, it takes minutes to set up a program with pre negotiated prices with partners to institute membership program.